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Jaime Schmidt


Department:     Accounting

Research Areas:     Accounting - Financial, Accounting Regulation and Liability, Auditing

Jaime Schmidt Headshot

Jaime Schmidt is a professor of accounting and executive director of the C. Aubrey Smith Center of Auditing Education and Research at The University of Texas at Austin. Her research examines the issues and implications of audit policy and includes studies in litigation, corporate governance, and standard-setting. Her work focuses on helping audit standard setters and regulators understand the current auditing environment and develop ways to improve auditing.

Her work has appeared in several academic journals, including The Accounting Review, the Journal of Accounting Research, the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, the Review of Accounting Studies, and Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory. She is also an associate editor with the last journal.

Schmidt has received research grants from the Center for Audit Quality, PwC LLP, and the American Accounting Association. She was a nominee for the Trammell/CBA Foundation and Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Awards for assistant professors. She was awarded the James Dietrick Outstanding Faculty Award in 2016 and the Amplifer Award for classroom inclusivity in 2020.

Schmidt received a BBA and an M.S. in accounting, and an M.S. in education from Kansas State University. She received her Ph.D. from Texas A&M University.

Outside of work, Jaime likes to run marathons, spend time with her family (including two children), and travel. Her favorite quotes are “This too shall pass” and “Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress.”



Professional Awards

McCombs Research Excellence Grant Recipient: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2021



Texas McCombs Amplify Award



James Deitrick Outstanding Accounting Faculty Award



McCombs Undergraduate Research Grant Recipient: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014



Steve Verlin/CITGO grant recipient



Best PhD Student Paper Award, AAA Mid-Year Meeting


Katharine Drake, Nathan Goldman, Stephen Lusch, and Jaime Schmidt. Summer 2024.
Disclosure of Tax-Related Critical Audit Matters and Tax-Related Outcomes.
Contemporary Accounting Research 41(2): 719-747.

Nicholas J. Hallman, Antonis Kartapanis, and Jaime J. Schmidt.  April 2022. How to Auditors Respond to Competition?  Evidence from the Bidding Process. Journal of Accounting and Economics 73 (2/3): 101475.  

Nicholas Hallman, Jaime J. Schmidt, and Anne M. Thompson. Dec 2022. Audit Implications of Non‐GAAP Reporting. Journal of Accounting Research 60(5): 1947-1989.

Lennox, Clive S.; Schmidt, Jaime J.; Thompson, Anne M. June 2023. Why are expanded audit reports not informative to investors? Evidence from the United Kingdom. Review of Accounting Studies. 28(2):497-532

Nicholas Hallman, Jaime Schmidt, and Anne M. Thompson. Audit Implications of Non-GAAP Reporting [Conditionally accepted]. Journal of Accounting Research, forthcoming.


Clive S. Lennox, Jaime Schmidt, and Anne M. Thompson. Why Are Expanded Audit Reports Not Informative to Investors? Evidence from the UK. Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.


Keith Czerney, Jaime Schmidt, Anne M. Thompson, and Wei Zhu. 2020. Do Type II Subsequent Events Impair Financial Reporting Quality? The Accounting Review 95(6), 97-123.


Jaime Schmidt, Steven J. Kachelmeier, Daniel Rimkus, and Kristine Valentine. 2020. The Forewarning Effect of Critical Audit Matter Disclosures Involving Measurement Uncertainty. Contemporary Accounting Research 37(4), 2186-2212.


Julie S. Persellin, Jaime Schmidt, Scott D. Vandervelde, and Michael S. Wilkins. 2019. Auditor Perceptions of Audit Workloads, Audit Quality, and Job Satisfaction. Accounting Horizons 33(4), 95-117.


Joseph F. Brazel and Jaime Schmidt. 2019. Do Auditors and Audit Committees Lower Fraud Risk by Constraining Inconsistencies between Financial and Nonfinancial Measures? Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 38(1), 103-122.


Keith Czerney, Jaime Schmidt, and Anne M. Thompson. 2019. Do Investors Respond to Explanatory Language Included in Unqualified Audit Reports? Contemporary Accounting Research 36(1), 198-229.


Marsha B. Keune, Brian W. Mayhew, and Jaime Schmidt. 2016. Non-Big 4 Local Market Leadership and its Effect on Competition. The Accounting Review 91(3), 907-931.


Steven J. Kachelmeier, Stephanie J. Rasmussen, and Jaime Schmidt. 2016. When Do Ineffective Audit Committee Members Experience Turnover? Contemporary Accounting Research 33(1), 228-260.


Linda Myers, Jaime Schmidt, and Michael Wilkins. 2014. An Investigation of Recent Changes in Going Concern Reporting Decisions Among Big N and Non-Big N Auditors. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 43(1), 155-172.


Keith Czerney and Jaime Schmidt. 2014. Does Auditor Explanatory Language in Unqualified Audit Reports Indicate Increased Financial Misstatement Risk? The Accounting Review 89(6), 2115-2149.


Jaime Schmidt and Michael S. Wilkins. 2013. Bringing Darkness to Light: The Influence of Auditor Quality and Audit Committee Expertise on the Timeliness of Financial Statement Restatement Disclosures. Auditing 32(1), 221-244.


Jaime Schmidt. 2012. Perceived Auditor Independence and Audit Litigation: The Role of Nonaudit Services Fee. The Accounting Review 87(3), 1033-1065.


Jaime Schmidt, Steven J. Kachelmeier, Daniel Rimkus, and Kristine Valentine. The Forewarning Effect of Critical Audit Matter Disclosures Involving Measurement Uncertainty. Contemporary Accounting Research.