Texas McCombs offers two types of interview options for roles that meet our recruiting requirements:

Our recruiting system can assist you in creating your interview schedule when you plan in advance for a specific interview date.

Request a schedule in RecruitMcCombs including alternative recruiting dates, position details, and schedule preferences. Contact your Recruitment Account Manager if you need assistance.

Students submit resumés/applications to positions they’re interested in.

Select candidates you want to invite to interview. The recruiting system facilitates scheduling directly with students and sends you a completed interview schedule when the sign-up period is over.

Benefits of using System-Scheduled Interviews:

  • Digital convenience: everything in one place, including your company’s job postings, events, resumés, and schedules.
  • Time-saving: our system takes care of scheduling and communication.
  • Student-prefered: students are familiar with this process and like preset deadlines and expectations.
  • Guided experience: our staff and system guide you through every step of the process.

Pro Tips:

  • For optimal visibility, we recommend submitting your request at least 5-7 weeks prior to your preferred interviewe date.
  • Choose alternatives to ensure a full interview schedule in case an invited student declines your interview invitation or is unable to attend.
  • The system facilitates first-round interviews only. Final rounds are coordinated directly with students. We recommend scheduling those on Fridays to avoid academic conflicts.

This is a great option if you prefer to contact and schedule at your own pace or use your own scheduling platform.

Post your job in RecruitMcCombs.

Choose to receive resumés on a rolling basis and/or at the end of the posting period. You can also request that candidates apply directly through your company’s site or system.

Schedule interviews with candidates directly, at your convenience.


  • Be as transparent as possible about your interview process and timeline. If you have a set interview date, include it at the top of your job description.
  • Use our job description guide to attract top candidates and work with your Recruitment Account Manager to ensusre maximum visibility.
  • Follow up with all applicants in a timely manner on their application status.
Build Competitive Compensation Offers
Employers have more success if the compensation they offer is comparable to historical salaries of the targeted student segment. View our salary statistics to see the numbers across programs.
Make Your Job Description Stand Out
Stand out from the crowd! A memorable job title and description are key to your recruiting success. View our job description guidelines for best practices that will help set your position apart from the rest.
Two people talking and laughing at an event
Review All-Star Resumé Books
Supplement your recruiting efforts with our searchable resume books in our systems. Talk to us about gaining access to our system and utilizing this online feature for targeted recruiting.
Attend a McCombs Event
McCombs hosts a number of events each year designed to help students connect with you. This is a vital part of branding your organization on campus and attracting top talent—be a part of the experience!
Focus on student with an open laptop taking notes
Ready to meet talented, career-ready students? Let's talk.