Study Abroad
Gain global perspective and prepare for today’s business environment by studying abroad. Texas McCombs MPA offers a five-week summer program in Prague. The program consists of two courses that combine to give you six hours of graduate credit toward your MPA degree. One course is taught by a McCombs professor and the other is taught by an international faculty member (in English).
McCombs student on a study abroad trip in Prague
Internships emphasize leadership, teamwork and client/management interaction and will give you a practical view of organizations that may be suitable career options. Many students also find that internships eventually lead to job offers.
Students in business attire giving Hook 'Em and smiling
Distinguished Speaker Series
Gain real-world insight on current business trends through our Distinguished Speaker Series Lyceum class. Past speakers have included: Kelly Steckelberg, CFO of Zoom, Carl Allegretti, Chairman and CEO of Deloitte Tax LLP; and Mack Brown, former Head Football Coach at The University of Texas at Austin. 
Woman speaking at an event
Giving Back: Tax Practicum Class
MPA students learn accounting skills through hands-on community volunteerism through the Tax Practicum class. As an optional part of the curriculum, students complete 55 volunteer hours working with Community Tax Centers, a Foundation Communities program that partners with the IRS to implement the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program for low-income filers.
Student working with a client in the Tax Practicum class

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