Texas McCombs MSM
Explore our admissions process to make your application as strong as possible for our 10-month Master of Science in Marketing program.

Apply Yourself at McCombs
The application for the MSM Class of 2026 is now open. Review key dates, application checklists, and important next steps.
Getting Started
Review program prerequisites and suggested skillset to determine if you're on the right path for the MSM degree: Program recommendations and suggested skillset

Review the Application Process
Ready to start your application to the MSM program? View our step-by-step guide to ensure a successful application submission.

Calling all UT Students

Calling all UT Students
Our bridge program is designed to ensure a seamless transition from undergraduate studies to a variety of specialized master's graduate programs offered through the McCombs School of Business. Apply when you’re a junior and launch your career with a master’s – just one year after your senior year. Open to all UT Austin undergraduate majors and zero work experience required.
For Our International Students

For Our International Students
International students in F-1 immigration status who complete Texas McCombs MSF, a STEM-eligible degree program, may qualify for an additional 24-month extension of STEM Optional Practical Training work authorization, following the initial 12-month period of OPT.
MSM Program Readiness
Before starting your application, check out the MSM program prerequisites to ensure you’re prepared for the graduate program.
MSM Program Prerequisites
We suggest taking Intro to R Programming before enrolling. Applicants can also consider taking an advanced statistics or probability course at their local college or university.
Students admitted to the MSM program will be required to complete an online Excel bootcamp prior to the start of the program.
MSM Suggested Skillset
For further insight, we’ve listed a few characteristics that the MSM admission team looks for in applicants.
- We are looking for students with: (i) scholastic aptitude; (ii) strong communication skills; and (iii) an interest in marketing. We are not looking for particular subject areas but rather a demonstration that a student has the academic stamina to complete a rigorous master’s level program.
- We are also looking for an indication that the student has mathematical ability — either through their quantitative test scores (optional) or undergraduate coursework. Through the interviews, we look for students who have strong communication skills. Finally, we want to see that a student has an interest in marketing, this is typically articulated in the essay in the application process.
- We are looking for overall exceptional applications, including high grades, strong professional development, high test scores (if submitted), and communication skills.
Pivoting Careers
I started out as a journalist and remain a writer at heart, but as my undergraduate career I progressed, I recognized a need for people who can play on both sides of this 21st century marketing field. The MS Marketing program helps with that need.

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