Your Valuable Time Well Spent
These unique experiences give our MSBA-WP students the best of both worlds. With the flexibility of an online program and the deep connections fostered through in-person interactions. You'll be building meaningful relationships that will last well beyond the program.
Students on laptops in a classroom
I think the immersives are very important because other online programs don't really have that in-person connection.
Sruthi Moothath
Sruthi Moothath
Connect with Your Cohort
Your cohort becomes like family in the program. Your interacting with them in synchronous online classes and frequent group projects. The immersives give you a better opportunity to connect with them one-on-one or in group social settings which help strengthen your bonds when you're not together.
Inaugural MSBA working professional class smiling and giving Hook 'Em Horns
With an online program, I had no idea how important the immersives would be. They are the reason we are all so close.
Laine Woelfel
Laine Woelfel
Experience Austin Firsthand
While most of your time during the immersive weekends is spent on-campus, there are opportunities to explore all Austin has to offer including its growing food culture, live music, green spaces, fresh water springs, walking trails, and a river in the heart of the city. Some immersives take advantage of Austin's thriving business opportunities through site visits around the city.
Austin Downtown Skyline


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