- Shiva Agarwal joined our faculty as an assistant professor in fall 2017. She earned her Ph.D. in management from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
- Caroline Bartel was promoted from associate professor to full professor in spring 2020. She was awarded the 2019-20 McCombs School of Business Hank & Mary Harkins Award for Undergraduate Teaching.
- Andrew Brodsky had his research, ” The Implications of Working Without an Office” featured in the Harvard Business Review. He joined our faculty as an assistant professor in fall 2017. He earned his Ph.D. in management from the Harvard Business School. Andrew was awarded a fall 2019 McCombs Research Excellence Grant Award for “Communicating Virtually.”
- Ethan Burris became the Chair of the Management Department on September 1, 2020, succeeding Luis Martins who was Chair of the department from 2016-2020. Ethan’s op-ed about the importance of supporting whistle blowers during this pandemic is featured in both the Waco Tribune-Herald and Corpus-Christi Caller Times. He was awarded McCombs’ 2018-19 Joe D. Beasley Award for teaching excellence in the MBA curriculum. He was promoted to the rank of Full Professor on Sept. 1, 2018. Ethan was co-awarded the McCombs School of Business’ 2017-18 Jim Nolen Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching. He was awarded McCombs’ 2016-17 Research Excellence Award for Associate Professors.
- Johnny Butler is quoted in an op-ed about the history of civil unrest that was syndicated in numerous newspapers across the nation. Read more here. Moreover, his op-ed piece about civil unrest is also featured in The Sun newspaper. Read more here.
- Janet Dukerich was awarded McCombs’ 2016-17 Fawn and Vijay Mahajan Teaching Excellence Award for Executive Education.
- Steve Gray joined our faculty as an assistant professor in fall 2017. He earned his Ph.D. in management from the University of Washington in St. Louis. Steve had a research press mention in Science Daily for his study, “New Venture Team Success Requires Collective Ownership” — with boundaries.
- Paul Green joined our faculty as an assistant professor in fall 2018. He earned his Ph.D. in management from the Harvard Business School.
- Dave Harrison was featured in a Network for Business Sustainability story about reasons for unethical behavior in the workplace. Read more here. He was named as faculty in the top 1% in impact from all business and economics scientists worldwide in Essential Science Indicators. In fall 2019, he was a finalist for the Saroj Parasuraman Outstanding Publication in Gender & Diversity Award for his article, “Intersectionality: Connecting experiences of gender with gender at work” with Coauthors A.S. Rosette, S. Ponce de Leon, and C.Z. Khoval. Dave was named in “Favorite Professors” for 2018-19 in Poets & Quants. He received the 2018 Distinguished Reviewer of the Year Award for Academy of Management Review. He was mentioned in McCombs Minute (Nov. 15, 2108 edition) for his research in which data show that firms do better with female leaders in the mix; please see the following link for more information. Dave was awarded McCombs’ 2017-18 Joe D. Beasley Award (MBA Teaching).
- Insiya Hussain won the 2020 Outstanding Dissertation Award at the University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business (Ph.D. alma mater). She joined our faculty as an assistant professor in fall 2019 and earned her Ph.D. in organizational behavior and human resource management from the University of Maryland.
- Luis Martins was awarded the Strategic Management Society Berkeley Best Paper Prize for “Why does strategy need design theory? A framework for developing strategy through design thinking” with Coauthor Violina Rindova. He was named the Houston MBA Program Professor of the Year by the Class of 2019. Luis was co-awarded McCombs’ 2017-18 Award for Research Excellence. He was appointed to the James B. Goodson Professorship in Business on September 1, 2017. Luis was awarded McCombs’ 2016-17 Jim Nolen Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching.
- Bukky Oyedeji will join our faculty as an assistant professor in fall 2020. She graduated in summer 2020 with a Ph.D. in strategic management from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Shefali Patil was awarded the 2019-20 McCombs School of Business Trammell/College of Business Administration Teaching Award for Assistant Professors. She is featured in the Austin-American Statesman, Fox 7, CBS Austin, andKXAN highlighting her research about how public scrutiny affects police proactivity. Read more here. Her op-ed highlighting her recent research about police proactivity and public scrutiny is featured in The Hill. Read more here.
- Francisco Polidoro was awarded the 2019-20 McCombs School of Business Research Excellence Award for Associate Professors.
He, along with senior colleagues from WHarton, INSEAD, and leading Brazilian business schools, co-organized the 2018 SMS Speacial Conference in Sau Paulo. - Ram Ranganathan was promoted from assistant professor to associate professor (with tenure) in spring 2020. He was awarded McCombs’ 2018-19 CBA Foundation Research Excellence Award for Assistant Professors. He has served on the editorial review board for Organization Science since 2018. Ram was elected as Representative-at-Large by the Cooperative Strategy IG as well as the Competitive Strategy IG by the Strategic Management Society in 2019. He was awarded the 2016 Emerging Scholar Award by the Technology and Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management.
- PK Toh earned the Amplify Award for Diversity & Inclusion for EMBA Class of 2020. He was appointed to the Juanita Dreibelbis Fellowship in Business on September 1, 2018. He, along with senior faculty from NYU, Cornell, and Carnegie Mellon, co-organized the 2018 Organizational Science Winter Conference. PK was elected as the Associate Program Chair for Strategic Management Society’s (SMS) Competitive Strategy Interest Group (CSIG) in fall 2017. He was awarded the 2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award by Strategic Management Journal. (OSWC 2018)
- John S. Butler, Rajiv Garg, and Bryan Stephens: “Social networks, funding, and regional advantages in technology entrepreneurship: An empirical analysis.” Information Systems Research.
- Steven M. Gray, Andrew P. Knight, and Markus Baer. 2020: “On the emergence of collective psychological ownership in new creative teams.” Organization Science, 31: 1, 141-164.
- Shefali V. Patil and R.D. Lebel: “I want to serve but the public does not understand: Prosocial motivation, image discrepancies, and proactivity in public safety.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
- Francisco Polidoro, Jr., David Chandler, and Wei Yang: “When is it good to be bad? Contrasting effects of multiple reputations for bad behavior on media coverage of serious organizational errors.” Academy of Management Journal.
- Francisco Polidoro, Jr. (MAN) with Curba Lampert & Minyoung Kim. April 2020. “Branching and Anchoring: Complementary Asset Configurations in Conditions of Knightian Uncertainty”, Academy of Management Review.
- Francisco Polidoro: “Knowledge, Routines, and Cognitive Effects in Nonmarket Selection Environments: An Examination of the Regulatory Review of Innovations”, Strategic Management Journal.
- Miller, C. and P.K. Toh: “Complementary components, returns from disclosure during standard setting and coordination within ecosystems.” Strategic Management Journal, Special Issue on Platform and Ecosystems.
- Ganco, M., Miller, C., Toh, PK*. From litigation to innovation: Firms’ ability to litigate and technological diversification through human capital. Forthcoming at Strategic Management Journal. *Authors listed alphabetically by last names.
- Andrew Brodsky: “Virtual Surface Acting in Workplace Interactions: Choosing the Best Technology to Fit the Task”, Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Andrew Brodsky with Hayley Blunden: “Beyond the Emoticon: Are There Unintentional Cues of Emotion in Email?”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
- Doug Dierking was named the Texas Evening MBA Program Professor of the Year by the Class of 2019. He was promoted to the rank of Distinguished Senior Lecturer on Sept. 1, 2018.
- John Doggett was promoted from senior lecturer to distinguished senior lecturer in spring 2020. He is featured in San Antonio Express-News (Sept. 18, 2019) in a story about the economic impact of building the Navistar Trucking company in San Antonio. Read more here. Moreover, the BBC included him in a story about the Lone Star State’s diverse economy and its nationwide and global impact. Listen here. He also was featured on CBS Austin highlighting the global economic impact of the Coronavirus. Read more here.
- Meeta Kothare, Director of Social Innovation Initiative, and her team of students and fellow faculty members have won the President’s Award for Global Learning. Read more here.
- Kristie Loescher has been named a Favorite MBA Professor of 2020 by Poets & Quants? (read more here). She was awarded the Outstanding Community-Based Learning Course Tower Award for her MAN 334M “Healthcare Systems Management” course, which pairs Business of Healthcare Program students with local care partners to work on real-world issues in real-time. She is a new Experiential Learning Initiative Faculty Ambassador on campus (read more here).
- Dennis Passovoy is the academic advisor to Texas Enactus, one of McCombs Affiliated Student Organizations (MASO).In spring 2020, the team won first place in their league for their project – RAINEWABLE. The student team consisted of members Ser (Sarah) Lee, Naden Adenwala, Ibbi Sheikh, and Yue Taira. Dennis was awarded the Sam Walton Fellow Hall of Fame Award at the 2017 Enactus USA National Competition/Exposition.
- Mike Peterson’s student, Matt Miller, won the Grand Prize at the Texas Venture Labs Competition with Oxymoron Ink. Another student of Mike’s, Tyler Moore, took third overall and won the “James D. Pippen Veterans Award” with CooMoo Travel.
Katie Pritchett was awarded the Faculty Innovation Center Undergraduate Teaching Grant for the 2019-20 academic year; only four proposals were accepted. She was awarded the 2016-17 Tower Awards’ Outstanding Community-Based Learning Faculty Award, which recognizes faculty members who combine students’ learning with community partners to create a real-world learning environment (i.e., experiential learning).
Over the last several years, the following Management instructors have made the Undergraduate Faculty Honor Roll for receiving exceptionally high scores on the course-instructor surveys that students submit at the end of each semester:
- Caroline Bartel
- Ethan Burris
- Steve Courter
- Doug Dierking
- Steve Gray
- Paul Green
- Andy Henderson
- Kristie Loescher
- Shefali Patil
- Katie Pritchett
- Ram Ranganathan
- Trent Thurman
The MBA Faculty Honor Roll is announced each semester after a vote among MBA students in various MBA Programs. In the last few years, the following Management instructors were named to the MBA Faculty Honor Roll:
- Steve Courter – “Strategic Management” in the Dallas MBA Program for fall 2018 and spring 2020.
- Dave Harrison – MAN 383.16 “Leading People and Organizations” in the Dallas MBA Program for spring 2018
- PK Toh – BA 388T “Strategic Management” in the Houston MBA Program for fall 2018 and fall 2019.