Center for Global Business
The Center for Global Business (CGB) develops and promotes the internationalization of U.S. business education at McCombs, and in educational institutions throughout Texas.
David Platt, Director 512-471-3518
Deirdre Mendez, Assistant Director 512-471-8031
Energy Management and Innovation Center
The Energy Management and Innovation Center (EMIC) empowers leaders to more effectively manage energy demand and resources while enabling innovative technologies grounded in sound business principles.
Sheridan Titman, Executive Director 512-232-2787
John C. Butler, Academic Director 512-232-6821
Supply Chain Management Center of Excellence
The Supply Chain Management Center of Excellence (SCMC) brings together financial resources, executives from leading corporations, and faculty and students from multiple disciplines in the McCombs School of Business to develop and communicate new knowledge about supply chain management, conduct and publish research findings, facilitate the development of outstanding academic programs in supply chain management, enable “real world” problem solving for our industry partners, and encourage the development of future industry and academic leaders in this field.
Lamar Johnson, Senior Associate Director 512-468-1090
Diana Busler, Administrator 512-471-3107
Texas Venture Labs
Jon Brumley Texas Venture Labs is a campus-wide initiative to accelerate the rate of start-ups on its campus, offering entrepreneurs an accelerated route in bringing their innovations to market.
Venture Labs provides direct links to the entrepreneurial, business, technology and legal resources available both on the campus and in the Texas entrepreneurial eco-system.
Rob Adams, Director 512-471-5289
AIM Investment Center
The AIM Investment Center (AIM) is a nexus for integrating financial research, investment education and practice at the University, bringing together financial support, information resources and intellectual capital in support of those who teach and learn, those who further knowledge in the field through research and those who use the efforts of both to enhance the practice of investment management.
Laura Starks, Director 512-471-5899
Juana Hardwick, Associate Director 512-471-6511
C. Aubrey Smith Center for Auditing Education and Research
The C. Aubrey Smith Center for Auditing Education and Research promotes and improves education and research in both internal and external auditing.
Jaime Schmidt, Director 512-471-6434
Center for Business Technology and Law
The Center for Business Technology and Law (CBTL) brings together the distinct but related fields of Information Technology, Business Strategy and Law and Public Policy to study the various aspects of Electronic Commerce.
Sirkka Jarvenpaa, Co-Director 512-471-5900
Effie Gilder, Administrative Associate
Center for Customer Insight and Marketing Solutions
The Center for Customer Insight and Marketing Solutions (CCIMS) enables interaction between marketing faculty, students and industry to enhance research opportunities, academic growth, real world problem solving and student career opportunities. The focus is on developing in-depth customer insight leading to customer driven, cross functional solutions for winning in the marketplace.
Lamar Johnson, Executive Director 512-468-1090
Lori Van Orden, Administrative Director 512-232-1717
Center for Energy Finance Education & Research
The Center for Energy Finance Education & Research (CEFER) supports curriculum development in corporate finance and financial risk management applied to energy and financial commodities as well as to support faculty development and research in the Department of Finance. The Center is the focal point for the creation of the leading academic program in energy finance and financial risk management.
Ehud Ronn, Director 512-471-5853
Juana Hardwick, Assistant Director 512-471-6511
Center for Risk Management and Insurance Research
The Center for Risk Management and Insurance Research (CRMI) conducts and disseminates research relevant to the operational concerns and public policy implications of risk analysis and risk management. The mission of the Center is to be the premier independent research resource for public policy decision makers within the state of Texas for issues related to risk, its analysis and its management.
Patrick Brockett, Director 512-471-6816
Patricia Arnold, Associate Director 512-475-6728
Center for Research in Electronic Commerce
The Center for Research in Electronic Commerce (CREC) has served as an incubator for breakthrough research blending business and computer science since 1988, and is recognized today as the leading research institution in Information Systems research.
Andrew Whinston, Director 512-471-7962
EDS Trading & Technology Center
The EDS Trading & Technology Center (FTTC) supports academic activities that include classroom instruction, videoconferences, special presentation/events, data-feed workshops and simulation trading games. A focal point for finance programs at both the MBA and undergraduate level, the Center also serves as a laboratory for the creation of innovative teaching techniques applied to all levels of education.
Beverly Hadaway, Director 512-471-6628
Juana Hardwick, Assistant Director 512-471-6511
Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Center for Private Equity
The Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Center for Private Equity (HMTF) supports curriculum development in a private equity specialization in the McCombs MBA program. The center also fosters research and scholarship by finance faculty and graduate students on issues related to private equity finance, capital markets, corporate finance, investments, real estate, and other associated matter.
Robert Parrino, Director 512-471-5788
Jim Nolen, Associate Director 512-471-5798
Billy Charlton, Associate Director
Herb Kelleher Center for Entrepreneurship
The Herb Kelleher Center for Entrepreneurship (Kelleher Center) introduces students to the dynamic world of new venture creation and sustainability, the Center supports research that explores how firms are created, organized and scaled and how they interact with developing technologies.
John Butler, Director 512-471-4788
Real Estate Center
The Real Estate Center (REC) supports curriculum development in real estate at the university as well as to support faculty research and faculty development in the department. The Center is the focal point for the creation of a nationally recognized real estate program.
Jay Hartzell, Director
Angela Dorsey, Assistant Director 512-232-7385