Tax Readings Group
A place for accomplished researchers to come together, vet their work, and solicit constructive feedback.
Jennings Class
For many years, UT tax doctoral students would meet to read papers – both working papers and seminal papers. This initiative generated self-starters who read beyond formal seminars or visiting speakers. We began to invite cutting-edge papers from colleagues globally and formalize our group discussion into mini referee reports, and one of our doctoral students corresponds with the author(s).

A Letter from the Texas Tax Readings Group

October 2020


Dear Colleague,


Have you discovered something new that you want to share with your tax research colleagues? The McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin is home to an active group of tax scholars in accounting and finance who comprise the Texas Tax Readings Group. The Texas Tax Readings Group meets regularly to read national colleagues’ new working papers.


If you would like our comments, please send your working paper to Sean Kemsley and Read Hadfield.

From the papers we receive, we select several each semester that extend our existing research interests or help us learn about new areas. We hope to encourage your former students to apply to our doctoral programs so that we can continue to build our tax doctoral programs in accounting and finance with fresh minds and new ideas.


Yours very truly,

The Texas Tax Readings Group

Regular Participants
Lillian Mills
Dean Lillian Mills
Lillian Mills
Dean, Professor
Lisa De Simone
Lisa De Simone
Lisa De Simone
Associate Professor
Brady Williams
Brady Williams
Brady Williams
Associate Professor
Andrew Belnap
Andrew Belnap
Andrew Belnap
Assistant Professor
Aruhn Venkat
Aruhn Venkat
Aruhn Venkat
Assistant Professor
Kaitlyn Kroeger
Kaitlyn Kroeger
Kaitlyn Kroeger
Doctoral Student
Sean Kemsley
Sean Kemsley
Sean Kemsley
Doctoral Student
Read Hadfield
Read Hadfield
Read Hadfield
Doctoral Student