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Steven Gray

Assistant Professor

Department:     Management

Steven Gray headshot

Steven M. Gray, Travis Howell, and Esther Sackett. Talking Past Each Other: Construal Level, Utilitarian Motives, and Entrepreneurial Team Formation. Organization Science.  Forthcoming.

Steven M. Gray, Travis Howell, Jamie Strassman, and Kendall Yamamoto. Credentials or Chemistry? Entrepreneur Gender and Cofounder Selection. Academy of Management Journal.  Forthcoming.

Huimin Xu, Meijun Liu, Yi Bu, Shujing Sun, Yi Zhang, Chenwei Zhang, Daniel E. Acuna, Steven Gray, Eric Meyer, and Ying Ding.  Jan 2024.
The Impact of Heterogeneous Shared Leadership in Scientific Teams. 
Information Processing & Management 61(1): 103542.

Steven Gray, J. Stuart Bunderson, Gerben S. van der Vegt, Floor Rink, and Yeliz Gedik. April 2023. Leveraging Knowledge Diversity in Hierarchically Differentiated Teams: The Critical Role of Hierarchy Stability. Academy of Management Journal 66(2): 462-488.

Steve Gray, Ram Ranganathan, Peter Boumgarden, and Laura Huang. Sizing Up the Hierarchy: An Alter-centric Perspective of Status Disparity and Newcome Attraction in Multiparty Syndicates. Strategic Organization.  Forthcoming.

Jae K Jo, David A. Harrison, and Steven Gray. 2021. The Ties that Cope? Reshaping Social Connections in Response to Pandemic Distress. Journal of Applied Psychology 106(9), 1267-1282.

Steven Gray, Andrew Knight, and Markus Baer. 2020. On the Emergence of Collective Psychological Ownership in New Creative Teams. Organization Science 31(1), 141-164.

Steven Gray, Andrew Knight, and Markus Baer. 2020. What Kind of Startup Founder Are You? Harvard Business Review Digital Articles Nov. 20.

Steven Gray, Stuart Bunderson, Peter Boumgarden, and John Bechara. 2019. Engineering Interaction: Structural Change, Locus of Identification, and the Formation and Maintenance of Coss-Unit Ties. Personnel Psychology 72(4), 599-622.