Published Work

GSLI-affiliated faculty conduct world-renowned research on sustainability. Dr. Laura Starks has won multiple awards for her ESG research and was elected President of the American Finance Association in 2022. Faculty members are also changemakers in industry thought leadership, like Dr. Jeffrey Hales who is the Chair of The Value Reporting Foundation. Explore GSLI faculty research and learn more.


From Dr. Laura Starks

From Dr. Joe Hahn

From Dr. Andrew Gershoff

Gershoff, Andrew D. and Judy K. Frels (2015), “Just What Makes It Green? The Role of Centrality of Green Product Attributes in Evaluations of Greenness”, Journal of Marketing, 79, no. 1: 97- 110

From Dr. Brian Richter

“Using Item Response Theory to Improve Measurement in Strategic Management Research: An Application to Corporate Social Responsibility” (Brian K. Richter with Robert J. Carroll and David M. Primo) 2016. Strategic Management Journal. Volume 37, Issue 1, p. 66-85

From Others

Pursuing ESG in the Life Sciences Sector” (with Kristy Balsanek, John Gilluly III, Brooke Goodlett), a handbook from DLA Piper and the GSLI