SEED Program
Bring Your Passion for Impact
The Sustainability Education and Enterprise Development (SEED) program is your chance to join the next generation of innovators to create sustainable, world-changing startups. Let your entrepreneurship pave the path for a better tomorrow!

What is SEED?

Impact Entrepreneurship Starts Here

The Sustainability Education and Enterprise Development (SEED) Challenge is a semester-long impact entrepreneurship program that provides mentorship, workshops, online materials, and competition funding to aspiring student innovators. Since its founding in 2020, the program has awarded $50,000 in seed grants to 20 winning teams through our final Challenge. Over 380 students have registered for the program and used our resources to build out their sustainable venture ideas. For instance, many signed up for Expert in Residence mentoring to ask questions of seasoned entrepreneurs, others have attended our workshops like “Perfecting the Pitch,” and others have gone on to compete in our Semifinals each March with their pitch. SEED 2024 saw our largest Semifinal turnout yet with 34 teams of graduate and undergraduate entrepreneurs. SEED has also sponsored 10 teams’ trips to the Fowler Global Social Innovation Challenge, where they have all won grants ranging from $1,000 to $25,000. In fact, our 2022 champion Gazelle Ecosolutions won FGSIC, went on to win the Shell Changemaker’s Award of $100,000, and is raising their first venture capital round! Winners of the SEED Final Challenge each April may be eligible for a trip to FGSIC or a similar global competition.

SEED provides the community and support needed to move UT Austin student interest in sustainable innovation from ideation to implementation. We are a great resource and next step for innovators coming out of other programs on campus like SELL,but can also serve as a first step for those new to impact entrepreneurship. Our Canvas materials are customizable to your needs. Students do not need a venture idea to join, but must have a fleshed out idea and completed basic market research to compete for funding by March. We welcome those who want to join for the materials and learning too. Our goal is to train future problem solvers to address root problems through a sustainability lens – not just to give a great pitch!

Register for SEED

Ready to join SEED? Register today and begin your sustainable entrepreneurship journey.

Applications are due by February 27 to pitch in the qualifying round. Early submissions will provide access to our Canvas page and Slack channel for earlier support and announcements.

Past SEED Winners

Want to Learn More?
This competition is ideal for stretching your entrepreneurial wings in a positive environment full of learning opportunities. Flip through our information session deck or watch the information session recording.

Program Details and Eligibility


  • This competition is an outlet for those interested in social and environmental innovation. You can join as an individual or a team. You do not have to have a venture or an idea already, but you are welcome to apply if you do.
  • Pitch for a chance to win $10,000 in seed funding.
  • The Global Sustainability Leadership Institute is providing free social entrepreneurship curriculum and workshops to participants. If you sign up, you will access online modules, workshops, and socials with students from across campus.
  • Register by January 27 for full access to our workshops.
  • The 2022 pitch competition will be April 13th. However, participants will have two internal milestones to meet in the spring to prepare for the competition.
  • The top two teams from SEED will attend the Fowler Global Social Innovation Challenge in June 2023 for a chance to win an additional $75,000 in funding.

Register now


  • Build a community of socially and environmentally conscious innovators.
  • Develop ubiquitous skills such as systems thinking, impact measurement, and pitching.
  • Support students’ career exploration through experiential learning and mentorship.
  • Break down campus departmental silos and support interdisciplinary entrepreneurship.


Must have at least one UT-Austin student on the company’s founding team.

Must register by 1/27/2023 and attend at least one Spring workshop.

Must complete Spring quarter-final submission requirements:

  • 2/6/2023: Systems infographic (challenge, existing solutions, gaps); Summary of problem and system surrounding it (5 pages)
  • 2/27/2023: Business canvas and summary; 2-minute pitch video

Top teams will be selected to move to live 10-minute pitches on 4/13.

Deliverable examples are available on the FGSIC website and Canvas.


Jan. 30: Info session & Impact Entrepreneur’s Ask Me Anything at 5:30 pm in RRH 5.210.

Sign up to attend

Feb. 27: Pitch Workshop with Texas Venture Labs & Edovo Founder, Brian Hill at 5:30 pm in RRH 5.210.

Mar. 1: Pitch registration due to compete in qualifying round.

Mar. 20: Qualifying pitches will take place from 1:30-5:30 pm in RRH Crum Auditorium.

Apr. 10: Final pitches will take place from 6:00-8:00 pm in RRH Crum Auditorium.

May 3-5: Fowler Global Social Innovation Challenge takes place in San Diego, CA for qualifying students.

2022 - 2023 Finalists
Navigo (1st)
Navigo (1st)
Fungi Vitae (2nd)
Fungi Vitae (2nd)
Dispoze (Audience Choice Award)
Dispoze (Audience Choice Award)
2021-22 TSIC Teams
Project Xylem Team
Project Xylem Team
Nikita Patil and Shiva Bhakta
cherryish yourself Team
cherryish yourself Team
Ser Lee
Gazelle Team
Gazelle Team
Cross for Paws Team
Cross for Paws Team
Chloe Capodagli
Patina Team
Patina Team
WellWorks cc Team
WellWorks cc Team
Jonathan Charles and Jonathan Holstein