Using the Lab
Please check the calendar posted on the door of the classroom for any last-minute changes. The FERC is closed for all school holidays. Lab use is restricted to McCombs students currently registered in finance classes.

Lab Hours & Calendar
Lab location: GSB 3.120
2024-2025 Lab Hours
Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am – 11:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 12:00-8:00 pm
Classes scheduled for the FERC are posted on our calendar. To view the calendar, you must log in with your EID.
Policies & Reservations
Lab Policies
- No food or drinks allowed.
- Access is available to any student enrolled in a Finance class.
- Students are not allowed to tamper with or harm computer equipment.
- Students are not permitted to install software on the computers.
- When a class is in session, only students in that class may use the facility.
Failure to adhere to these policies will result in the loss of privileges to use the FERC Lab.
Classroom Reservations
The classroom is available for faculty and student use by reservation only.
We give the highest priority to users who need the Center’s unique capabilities, like access to the financial data feeds or equipment to arrange a video conference for a course. The maximum capacity of the classroom is 50 people. Service fees may be applied for videotaping, video conferencing, and special technology.
Questions about lab reservations or other resources?