Building a Global Career in International Finance With Robert Williams, CEO, Scotiabank Central America
Join this illuminating discussion on building a meaningful and successful global career. Drawing from his extensive international experience, Robert Williams will share hard-won lessons and advice across three pivotal areas: • Developing Core Competencies • Conquering Fear of the Unknown • The Role of Family in Global Mobility Wednesday, April 3 @ 5:00 pm via Zoom
The Shifting Landscape of Investor Relations
Amidst shifting regulation and concern about ESG standards, CSR practices, and challenges in corporate governance, join CGB Board Member Marissa Vidaurri as she shares her insight into The Shifting Landscape of Investor Relations
The Sweet Science of International Business
How do you get your dream job if that dream is halfway around the world? Join Christophe Van Riet (BBA/Int'l Business, 1988) as he recounts his personal and professional journey from international business major, to a career in marketing, to the launch of his own import business, and shares his advice and perspective on making dreams into reality.
Navigating The Global Regulatory Market
How do global companies navigate the complexities of diverse regulatory environments? Mike Kelly, Director of Americas Business Development at SeekOps Inc. and a McCombs alumnus shares his experience helping companies meet global and national environmental standards by reducing greenhouse gas emissions through methane measurements, while leveraging his passions in a global career.
Emerging Global Business Models
In a world of constantly shifting global linkages, companies must develop new solutions for evolving challenges. From sourcing talent to managing supply chains to mitigating risk, how are companies navigating this changing terrain? Noël Ellison, Partner at KPMG and global mobility tax consultant, discusses how organizations are addressing the challenges that arise when business has no borders.
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