Students in the International Business Minor complete the following:
Students will complete one of the following introductory courses in International Business:
- International Trade (IB 350): Open to all upper division students regardless of college. Sophomores interested in taking the course should contact us for assistance. This course is offered every semester.
- Foundations of International Business (IB 320F): restricted to non-Business students and offered as an online course. This course is offered every semester and counts toward the Business Foundations minor.
View the full list of International Business Electives
Note: While the majority of these courses are open to all students, a small number are restricted to Business students.
- Students completing the optional international experience are required to complete 9 hours of International Business Electives.
- Students not completing the optional international experience are required to complete 12 hours of International Business Electives.
Optional International Experience
Students are encouraged to complete an international experience as part of their International Business minor. This experience can be in the form of any UT Faculty-Led May Term or Summer Session program, or any other study abroad program or international internship of 6 weeks or longer.
- No specific coursework is required.
- There are no restrictions on study material part of the international experience.
- Students should request pre-approval prior to travelling to ensure that their intended program will satisfy all requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions
The International Business minor is very flexible, allowing courses to be taken in any order and encouraging – but not requiring – an international experience.
Why should I pursue an IB minor?
The IB minor provides students with an understanding of how traditional business operations change when they cross borders. It is designed as a complement to BBA majors as it builds on the McCombs core subjects, but it is open to students across UT.
Who can I talk to about the IB minor?
Students interested in the IB minor or any other IB options can make an appointment to meet with the Global Readiness advisor anytime.
How do I apply for the IB minor?
Applying to the International Business minor requires a minimum in-residence GPA of 3.00.
To apply:
- Go to the Registrar Document Submission page for minors.
- Enter your EID where indicated, and select “International Business” from the “Field of
Study” menu - Click Next to proceed.
- Select “International Business” from the “Type” menu.
- Confirm your choice and submit the application.
Note: You will receive notification as soon as your application has been reviewed and if admitted you
will need to contact your academic advisor and inform them you would like your minor tied to your
degree profile.
What is the deadline to apply for the IB minor?
Applications are generally due by March 1st to ensure review and processing in time for Early Fall Registration and by October 1st to ensure review and processing in time for Early Spring Registration.
What's the difference between the IB and Global Management minor?
- The IB minor builds on traditional business skills; it typically works best for BBA majors.
- An international experience is not required for the IB minor, whereas it is required for the Global Management minor.
- Students outside of McCombs are encouraged to consider the Global Management minor, which builds organically on the skills learned in majors such as International Relations, Economics, and Communications.