Financial Technology
Prof. Cesare Fracassi teaches about blockchain in Financial Technology courses for McCombs students enrolled in undergraduate, master’s in finance, master’s in business analytics, and master’s in business administration programs.
He covers topics on:
- Cryptography,
- Blockchain mechanics,
- Financial applications of blockchain (cryptocurrencies, market clearing),
- Blockchain ventures financing, and
- Blockchain regulatory environment.
Strategies for Networked Economy
Prof. Prabhudev Konana teaches blockchain concepts in Strategies for Networked Economy to MBA students and in Introduction to Information Technology Management to undergraduate honors students.
Intro to IT Management
Prof. Ashish Agarwal teaches blockchain concepts in Introduction to Information Technology Management to undergraduate honors students.
Intro to Data Management
Prof. Abhay Samant teaches about the technological needs for blockchain infrastructure in the Intro to Data Management course for Master of Science in Business Analytics students.
Programming Blockchain
Jimmy Song teaches, “Programming Blockchain”, a course designed for students admitted to any of the Master of Science in Information, Risk, and Operations Management programs.
Emerging Technologies II
Emerging Technologies II” focuses on blockchain application development.” This course is team-taught by Tej Anand, Sriram Vishwanath and Karl Creder for students admitted to any of the Master of Science in Information, Risk, and Operations Management programs.
Student Organizations
- The McCombs Graduate Blockchain Society at the University of Texas at Austin is an organization of McCombs MBA students interested in blockchain technology.
- Texas Blockchain at the University of Texas at Austin is an organization of undergraduate students interested in blockchain technology.