- Analysis and public policy implications of credit scoring in insurance
- Environmental risks and their handling
- Management of risks in the private and public sectors
- Social, ethical and financial implications of genetic testing for risk and insurance underwriting
- Insurance finance, demand for insurance, moral hazard, and adverse selection problems in insurance
- Issues in insurance regulation
- Actuarial and statistical methodology
- Efficiency of insurance organizations
- Regulatory issues in automobile insurance
- Other topics in risk, insurance, and risk management
Undergraduate Courses
- RM 357 E: Intro to Risk Management (Arnold)
- RM 377: Property Liability Risk Management (Brockett)
- RM 369K: Managing Employee Risk and Benefits (Arnold)
Graduate Courses
- RM 391: Mathematics in Finance (Tompaidis)
- RM 392: Financial Modeling and Optimization (Lasdon)
- RM 395.7: Managing International Risk (Brockett)
Risk Management Concentration Curriculum Requirements
Students must take the following courses in order to fulfill academic requirements:
- MKT 282: Analysis of Markets
- STA 287: Business Analytics and Decision Making
Choose any four (4) of the following courses:
- MIS 382N.9: Data Mining for Business Intelligence
- MIS 382N.12: Social Media Analytics
- OM 382: Pricing and Revenue Optimization
- OM 386: Supply Chain Management
- MIS 383N: Decision Support Modeling
- MKT 382: Marketing Information and Analysis or
- MKT 382: Marketing Decision Making in the Information Age
- MKT 382.18: Marketing Metrics
- RM 395.7: Managing International Risk
Recommended electives:
- FIN 397.1: Investment Theory and Practice
- FIN 394.1: Advanced Topics in Corporate Finance
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Vestal Lemmon Endowed Presidential Scholarship
Sponsor: National Association of Independent Insurers
Semesters awarded: Fall and Spring
Scholarship amount: $2,000 to one student per academic year ($1,000 per semester)
- Senior undergraduate Business Major with RM Concentration or MBA student
- Must be a full-time student
- 3.0 GPA (minimum)
National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices Ltd. Scholarship (NAPSLO)
Semesters awarded: Varies
Scholarship amount: $250 and up
- Business Major with RM Concentration and/or
- Must have completed two RM courses
- Must be a full-time student
- 2.5 GPA (minimum)
Central Texas Chapter of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters Society (CPCU)
Semesters awarded: Fall and Spring
Scholarship amount: $500-$1,000
Number awarded: 5
- Must be a Junior or Senior studying Insurance at the University of Texas.
- Must be employed at least part-time during the academic year and between semesters.
- 3.0 GPA (minimum)
Houston Marine Insurance Seminars Inc. Scholarship
Semesters awarded: Fall and Spring
Scholarship amount: $2,000
Requirement: Must be studying Insurance at the University of Texas
The Insurance Council of Texas (ICT) Scholarship
Semester awarded: Fall
Scholarship amount: $2,000
Requirement: Must intend to continue studying Insurance and Risk Management
Austin Chapter of Risk Management and Insurance Society (RIMS) Scholarship
Semester awarded: Fall
Scholarship amount: $2,000
- Business Major with RM Concentration and/or
- Must have completed two RM courses
- Must be a full-time student
- 3.0 GPA (minimum)
Texas Department of Insurance Honors Program (internship)
Summer internship compensation
Location: Austin, TX
Contact Pat Arnold or Pat Brockett for more information.