New York for McCombs
The mission of the New York for McCombs Council is to advance the presence and reputation of the McCombs School of Business and The University of Texas at Austin in the New York metropolitan area.

The Council was launched in 2013 in response to the need to rebuild the pipeline for McCombs talent, both current and future. Council members are accomplished leaders in their communities and industries who help shape the overall student and alumni experience in New York.

The Council strengthens the Texas McCombs and UT network through the following objectives:

  • Organizes content-driven networking events to promote interaction amongst McCombs and other UT alumni. Events feature distinguished speakers, panel discussions and other educational activities. They are designed to encourage alumni and student interaction, forge beneficial relationships, make new connections, and facilitate access to Council members.
  • Fundraisers amongst McCombs and UT alumni and friends in the NY metro area through Council membership contributions and peer-to-peer referrals, which provide support to McCombs students and programs as determined by the Council based on merit and need. The Council will interface with the Dean of the McCombs School to identify funding needs.
  • Partners with Wall Street for McCombs Leadership Program and McCombs Career Services to increase internship and full-time employment opportunities for students at their respective companies in the NY metro area. Council members will host current students visiting New York for company treks as well as sponsor on-campus events, such as the McCombs Summer Valuation Boot Camp and Spring Energy Boot Camp.


Have questions or want to learn more? Contact Katie Mace, Assistant Director for Development at 512-232-7325 or