McCombs Lecture Capture / Livestream (Not Zoom) / Panopto

Lecture Capture – Panopto

We have migrated our lecture capture platform to Panopto. This new platform gives faculty and staff the ability to schedule recordings in the classroom. 

 You may schedule Panopto through your Canvas dashboard in each of your Canvas Courses. There are several advantages to using Panopto such as scheduling within Canvas, automatic 5 year recording retention policy, full control over the recordings and recordings automatically being attached to the course material in the Canvas webUI. 

Instructions for scheduling Panopto

McCombs successfully piloted the Panopto program in the Fall of 2022 and we are currently in full production beginning the Spring 2023 semester. UT has adopted Panopto as its official Lecture Capture recording management platform and the University Instructional Technology Group believes Panopto may serve you in many useful ways.

Feel free to reach out to if you encounter any issues. 

RRH Zoom Enabled Classrooms & Meeting Room Request

Please complete the form linked below to submit a request for assistance with connecting to Zoom in an RRH space. If you know how to use the space it is not necessary to complete this form. The link will open in new window.

This form is for faculty, staff and MBA students only.

Note: Request forms must be submitted with all AV requests. Submissions with less than 24-hour notice require a phone call to (512) 232-4646 or a visit to our service counter at RRH 3.410 to confirm the reservation of services or equipment.

Reserve a Room in Rowling Hall

For Rowling Hall room reservations, please Submit a Reservation Request at the Event Management System for UT Austin.

Downloadable PDF Instructions

RRH Equipment Checkout Request

Please complete the form linked below to submit a request for RRH Equipment Checkout. The link will open in new window.

DO NOT use this form if your request is for The Crum Auditorium RRH 1.400 or The Special Events Room RRH 5.210. Those event spaces have their own unique forms.

Equipment List

Please visit the RRH Checkout Equipment List page to view our current equipment available for checkout. The page will open in a new window to allow you to reference it while completing your form.

Entering a request here will not guarantee availability; we will confirm your reservation request within one work day. Please enter as much information as possible to help facilitate the process.

Note: Request forms must be submitted with all AV requests. Submissions with less than 24-hour notice require a phone call to (512) 232-4646 or a visit to our service counter at RRH 3.410 to confirm the reservation of services or equipment.

RRH Additional Services

Additional Mics (Classrooms), 55” Monitor Stands, PA Setup, Recordings, Studio, Etc.

Please complete the form linked below to submit a request for RRH Additional Services. The link will open in new window. 

This Form is for Faculty and Staff only.

Entering a request here will not guarantee availability; we will confirm your reservation request within one work day. Please enter as much information as possible to help facilitate the process.

Media Services Pricelist

Note: Request forms must be submitted with all AV requests. Submissions with less than 24-hour notice require a phone call to (512) 232-4646 or a visit to our service counter at RRH 3.410 to confirm the reservation of services or equipment

To Reserve a Room

For Rowling Hall room reservations, please Submit a Reservation Request at the Event Management System for UT Austin.