Texas McCombs offers two types of interview options for roles that meet our recruiting requirements:
Our recruiting system can assist you in creating your interview schedule when you plan in advance for a specific interview date.
Request a schedule in RecruitMcCombs including alternative recruiting dates, position details, and schedule preferences. Contact your Recruitment Account Manager if you need assistance.
Students submit resumés/applications to positions they’re interested in.
Select candidates you want to invite to interview. The recruiting system facilitates scheduling directly with students and sends you a completed interview schedule when the sign-up period is over.
Benefits of using System-Scheduled Interviews:
- Digital convenience: everything in one place, including your company’s job postings, events, resumés, and schedules.
- Time-saving: our system takes care of scheduling and communication.
- Student-prefered: students are familiar with this process and like preset deadlines and expectations.
- Guided experience: our staff and system guide you through every step of the process.
Pro Tips:
- For optimal visibility, we recommend submitting your request at least 5-7 weeks prior to your preferred interviewe date.
- Choose alternatives to ensure a full interview schedule in case an invited student declines your interview invitation or is unable to attend.
- The system facilitates first-round interviews only. Final rounds are coordinated directly with students. We recommend scheduling those on Fridays to avoid academic conflicts.
This is a great option if you prefer to contact and schedule at your own pace or use your own scheduling platform.
Post your job in RecruitMcCombs.
Choose to receive resumés on a rolling basis and/or at the end of the posting period. You can also request that candidates apply directly through your company’s site or system.
Schedule interviews with candidates directly, at your convenience.
- Be as transparent as possible about your interview process and timeline. If you have a set interview date, include it at the top of your job description.
- Use our job description guide to attract top candidates and work with your Recruitment Account Manager to ensusre maximum visibility.
- Follow up with all applicants in a timely manner on their application status.