Canfield BHP Opportunities
Go Beyond the Textbook
Want to see the world? We have more than 20 study abroad programs. Want to work on the biggest problems in business? Do research of your own, and we’ll support you.

Expand Your Horizons & Study Abroad
You’ll have the opportunity to study abroad in more than 25 countries in programs specifically designed to meet your needs. Whether you spend a summer, a semester, or an entire year in another country, you’ll come away with more than school credits and great travel photos. You’ll find that you have enriched your college education, made friends and participated in a life-changing experience.

Do Original Research with Our Support
Canfield BHP students can reap the many benefits of attending a top research university, including practicing research themselves. Opportunities to engage in research on the Forty Acres are abundant, and many honors students have forged their own research path by taking advantage of the resources and opportunities offered through UT and Canfield BHP.

Student Spotlight
As an undergraduate research assistant for Dr. John Griffin, I investigated fraud in the financial sector. This was an incredible learning experience… and I developed technical skills that will be useful later in my career.