Joint Faculty and Ph.D. Student Publications
The faculty and doctoral students publish regularly in some of the top academic journals around the globe. McCombs fosters research collaborations between faculty and Ph.D. students throughout your tenure in your academic career.
Clemens Sialm
Spotlight Publications in Finance

Browse spotlight publications of joint research with our faculty and students.

Distortions Caused by Lending Fee Retention Management Science
Publication, 2025
Travis Johnson and Gregory Weitzner (Ph.D. ’20)

Equity Crowdfunding in the US
Working paper, 2021
Cesare Fracassi, Iman Dolatabadi (Ph.D. ’21) and Lin Yang (current)

Bank Loan Markups and Adverse Selection
Working paper, 2021
Cesare Fracassi, Mehdi Beyhaghi, and Gregory Weitzner (Ph.D.’20)

Self-enforcing Contracts with Persistence
Forthcoming at the Journal of Monetary Economics
William Fuchs, Martin Dumav, and Jangwoo Lee (Ph.D. ’21)

Reputation and Investor Activism: A Structural Approach
Journal of Financial Economics, 2021
Travis Johnson and Nathan Swem (Ph.D. ’16)

Is Bitcoin Really Un-Tethered?
The Journal of Finance, 2020
John Griffin and Amin Shams (Ph.D. ’19)

Government Debt and Corporate Leverage: International Evidence
Journal of Financial Economics, 2019
Irem Demirci (Ph.D. ’13), Jennifer Huang, and Clemens Sialm

The Geography of Financial Misconduct
Journal of Finance, 2018
Christopher Parsons (Ph.D. ’07), Johan Sulaeman (Ph.D. ’08), and Sheridan Titman

Commonality in Liquidity:A Demand-Side Explanation
Review of Financial Studies, 2016
Andrew Koch (Ph.D ’11), Stefan Ruenzi, and Laura Starks